Meditations on Savitri

This is the title given by the Mother to a series of 472 oil paintings created by her with a young Gujarati Sadhika, to whom she had given the name ‘Huta’. These illustrate selected passages from the whole of Sri Aurobindo’s revelatory epic poem Savitri.

In 1967, when all of these paintings had been exhibited in the Ashram, and were being kept at Golconde, Huta communicated to the Mother her strong feeling that “Savitri must have her own place”. The Mother went into a deep concentration, then said emphatically, “It will be.”

When Savitri Bhavan was started, Huta felt that this was the “own place” which the Mother had promised for Savitri. So beyond all expectation, this great treasure was entrusted to our care in June 2001, along with facsimiles of the Mother’s original sketches, written instructions and comments, copies of her recorded recitations of the selected passages, and of her recorded explanations of Savitri. This is a unique treasure, which will be a goldmine of insight to future scholars seeking to gain a deeper understanding of Sri Aurobindo’s vision. 

Huta's Visit @ Savitri Bhavan Work-in-progress

Huta visiting the site of the future Main Building in August 2005

 Huta's Paintings Gallery @ Savitri Bhavan

While the original paintings and other materials are stored under controlled conditions in an archive in the Main Building, rotating exhibitions of reproductions of the paintings are regularly displayed in the specially constructed Picture Gallery.

View the Meditations on Savitri from our YouTube Channel: