Aims, Objectives & Activities of Savitri Bhavan

Activities of Savitri Bhavan:

The activities being organised and developed at Savitri Bhavan aim to make the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother accessible to people of very different psychological types and cultural backgrounds. We approach their words for help and light, for the insights and support that can point the way to a new and better kind of human life and society.

Taking Sri Aurobindo’s revelatory epic poem Savitri : a legend and a symbol as a central focus, it is made a starting point for exploring other writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The work being done at the Bhavan encompasses philosophical, literary, linguistic and textual, psychological, social and educational dimensions of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s work.

The activities of Savitri Bhavan include regular classes and study-circles, talks by invited speakers, the collection of relevant study materials and the preparation of learning aids, including exhibitions and audio-visual materials, individual and collective research projects, and publication of two journals of study-notes on Savitri, Invocation in English and Prarthana in Tamil.

Savitri Bhavan is open to the interested public six days a week.

Aims of Savitri Bhavan

Savitri Bhavan aims to gather and create, to house and share all kinds of materials and activities that will foster a deeper appreciation of Savitri, of the lives, work and vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and of the aims and ideals of Auroville. The activities being organised and developed at Savitri Bhavan aim to make the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother accessible to people of very different psychological types and cultural backgrounds. We approach their words for help and light, for the psychological insights and support that can show the way to a new and better kind of human life and society  We welcome everyone who longs for a higher and truer life, a brighter future for our earth and the whole human family.

Objectives of Savitri Bhavan

Savitri Bhavan has been created as an educational centre offering all kinds of activities and materials which would help to develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem Savitri : a legend and a symbol – the masterwork which his spiritual partner the Mother has referred to as “The supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo’s vision”.

The Mother has mentioned that education based on spiritual values will pave the way to a true and lasting sense of human unity. The aim of Savitri Bhavan is to foster such values by making available to students and seekers worldwide materials, facilities and assistance that would aid a deeper and more widespread understanding of the vision and teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

The varied activities being organized and developed at the Bhavan aim to make Sri Aurobindo’s vision accessible to people of different psychological types and cultural backgrounds. The objective is not mere intellectual scrutiny of Sri Aurobindo’s language and thought, but rather to approach his writings for help and light, for the psychological insights and spiritual support which can show the way to a new and higher individual and collective life.

Outputs of the Various Activities:

The outputs of these various departments take three forms: 

Outreach Programmes – educational activities of various kinds are provided in the four languages of Auroville (English, Tamil, French, Sanskrit) targeting different interest groups. To support these programmes, appropriate Learning Materials (including Publications) are prepared or acquired. To enable the creation of original learning materials and educational programmes Research Projects are undertaken. Savitri Bhavan also offers assistance to Researchers on request.

Outcomes of the Activities: 

Through all these activities an increased awareness and understanding of the vision and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is developing amongst the participants, as well as those who have benefited from the learning materials, publications and recordings that are being distributed.