Maison de l’Agenda de Mere – House of Mother’s Agenda

House of Mother’s Agenda welcomes you
The House of Mother's Agenda was created in 1988 to gather, house and make available all editions, translations and recordings of the 13 volumes of the Mother's Agenda, along with related materials and activities.
Since 2006 it has been incorporated into Savitri Bhavan and its activities are continuing there.
All my life I have always, always felt I had something to say…
This Agenda is my present… for those who love me
- The Mother
The aim is to make the deep insights recorded in the Mother's Agenda - the Mother's own record of her sadhana after the Supramental Manifestation of February 1956 - accessible to everyone interested. Since the Mother's Agenda is in French, the activities of the House of Mother's Agenda target in particular French-speaking people and most of the activities and research are done in the French language - one of the four languages prescribed by the Mother to be taught in Auroville.
- A regular weekly programme of playing recordings of the Mother’s talks from the Agenda is conducted on Tuesday afternoons at 4pm and at other times on request.
- Weekly value-oriented education sessions for students of the New Creation Free Progress section. The children, who belong to the local villages around Auroville and board at New Creation are fluent in French and the classes are held in French.
- A specialist Library is open daily for the use of Aurovilians and interested visitors. In addition to the Mother's Agenda in the original French, translations into many languages are available. Recordings of the Mother's talks in the form of cassettes and CDs are also made available.
- Reference services: Gangalakshmi who is in charge of the House of Mother's Agenda undertakes research on particular topics and distributes materials on request.
- Documentation: Passages are selected every week from the Mother's Agenda for publication in the Auroville News & Notes - a journal for internal circulation within Auroville which reaches the whole Auroville population.
Mother's Agenda
Recorded by Satprem, a disciple of the Mother, in the course of numerous personal conversations with her, Mother's Agenda is the complete logbook of her exploration in the cellular consciousness of the human body. It covers 23 years of experiences which parallel some of the most recent theories of modern physics, and are perhaps the key to man's passage to the next species.

This 6,000-page work in 13 volumes represents the day-to-day account over 22 years of Mother's exploration into the body consciousness and her discovery of a "cellular mind", capable of restructuring the nature of the body and the laws of the species asdrastically as, one day, the first stammerings of a "thinking mind" transformed the nature of the ape. It is a timely document of experimental evolution, involving a revolution in consciousness that alters the laws of the species. Whatever the appearances, we are not at the end of a civilisation but at the end of an evolutionary cycle. Are we going to find the passage to the next species, or perish? As scrupulously as a scientist in his laboratory, Mother goes back to the origin of matter's formation, to the primordial code, and there, 'by chance', stumbles upon the mechanism of death - upon the very power that changes death - and upon a 'new' Energy which curiously parallels the most recent theories on the subatomic nature of Matter. The key to Matter contains the key to death ... as well as the key to the next species.
For additional information
Gangalakshmi, in charge of the House of Mother’s Agenda, is available to answer your questions and guide you
For urgent requests, you can also contact her directly:
Phone: 0413 2623041