

Aurovilians have been reading Savitri together since the very earliest days. For several years in the late 1980s and early 1990s a group used meeting regularly under the great banyan tree at the centre of Auroville. On November 24,1994 the Auroville Savitri Study Circle was started. The circle met weekly in different locations, and in addition to Savitri reading they added study and discussion of the text, inviting guest speakers to give talks and share their insights.

The Foundation Stone of Savitri Bhavan was laid on November 24, 1995 by Dr. Nirodbaran, Sri Aurobindo’s close disciple, and his scribe for the later stages of the composition of Savitri.



After the Foundation ceremony, the gatherings of the Study Circle were held under the trees on the site of the future complex. Later, construction of a temporary shelter on the site allowed a greater range of activities. It became possible to store books and other materials, and to hold a variety of classes in the evenings, in addition to the regular Sunday morning gatherings.

The first multi-purpose building of Savitri Bhavan complex was completed by August 1999, and Nirodbaran performed the Inauguration Ceremony on August 8th. The building became the base for an ever-expanding programme of activities.



In June 2001 Huta entrusted to Savitri Bhavan the series of 472 paintings she had created under the Mother’s guidance from 1961 to 1966 entitled Meditations on Savitri, as well as an extensive collection of other related original materials.

The first bricks for Phase 2 – Hall were laid by young Aurovilians on November 24, 2003. The opening ceremony was held on 20th November 2004



From April 2005 to April 2008 the main building was constructed thanks to a grant from the Government of India under the SAIIER Development Scheme for the provision of educational buildings in Auroville. It was inaugurated by Dr. Karan Singh, Chairman of the Auroville Foundation.

On February 21, 2008 Sri Aurobindo’s statue was installed, a gift to Auroville from the Auroville Foundation.



On September 1, 2012 the Savitri Hostel was inaugurated to provide accommodation for guest speakers and researchers and volunteers offering their services at the Bhavan.

History Chronology